
我们为在学生访问中心注册的需要延长考试时间的学生提供监考环境, 安静的测试环境, 还有电脑接入, and cannot be accommodated by their faculty or proctored in the classroom. 为学生提供适当的考试住宿和确保考试安全是学生访问中心的基本关注点.



Exams can be taken at the 学生访问中心 by appointment only. Both centers are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.,大学假期除外. A SAC professional staff member oversees the testing and proctor services.


Discussing Test Accommodations with Instructors

As a student requesting test accommodations, you are required to be registered with the 学生访问中心. 你需要在每学期的早些时候与每一位老师见面,你将向他申请考试安排. 这次会议提供了一个机会,讨论您与学生访问中心的注册和您批准的考试住宿. The instructor has the prerogative of supervising you during all test taking. 这个讨论应该包括指导老师是否可以在他们的监督下提供批准的考试住宿. When the instructor can provide the approved test accommodations, you should take your 测试 under the instructor’s supervision. 所有突发事件,如定期、期中、期末考试和小测验都应该讨论.

Accessing Test Accommodations through the 学生访问中心

当教师无法在考试期间监督您使用批准的考试场所时, you will need to access the services provided through the 学生访问中心. 你必须在每学期早期向学生访问中心提供一份考试时间表.

Scheduling Tests with the 学生访问中心

作为学生, it is your responsibility to schedule all of your 测试 with the 学生访问中心. You may schedule a test by coming to our office in person, calling us, or by email. 我们会尽量将考试安排在教室里安排的同一天和同一时间. 由于测试量和各种调度冲突,这可能并不总是可行的.

To schedule an exam to be taken in the 学生访问中心, it is necessary to contact the Test Center 5 business days in advance. To schedule a final exam in the Student Access Test Center, you must contact the Test Center at least ten business days in advance.

作为学生,您有责任在三个工作日内通知学生访问中心您预定考试的任何日期或时间更改. 如果您不符合这些指导方针, it is your responsibility to make individual test arrangements with your instructor.


If you arrive more than twenty minutes late for a scheduled exam, we may not be able to administer the exam. 你需要和你的教授谈谈重新安排考试的时间(按照学生访问中心的截止日期)。. When you begin an exam late (up to twenty minutes), the number of late minutes will be deducted from the time allotted for the exam. You will still need to complete your exam by the originally scheduled completion time.

然后才能参加预定的考试, you must present your UNE Identification Card, 或者其他合法的带照片的身份证, 给学生访问中心的工作人员.

在与学生访问中心的所有交易中,您将遵守全球网络赌博平台的学生行为准则. If you are caught cheating or suspected of cheating on an exam by our personnel, 有关该事件的全部信息将转交给您的教授酌情处理.

You cannot leave the testing area without permission from a proctor and without signing out. Upon returning, you will notify the proctor and sign back in.

在使用测试服务之前, you are required to sign a Contract of Agreement for Testing Accommodations.

Our proctors will note your requests for test clarification. You are welcome to contact your professor by phone to seek clarification or interpretation. 如果教授不在的话, 您可以在测试中附上一份书面说明,说明您认为需要进一步解释的领域.


学生在学生访问中心的注册是基于残疾记录的存在, 这对他们平等获得大学教育环境或服务的能力有重大影响. The purpose of accommodations is to provide equal access. Reasonable accommodations do not ensure success or require preferential treatment. 在评估学生的课程知识时,考试住宿经常被用来提供平等的机会. 在高等教育环境中,考试安排通常包括额外的时间(一倍半或两倍时间)。, a distraction-reduced test environment, 使用计算器, and/or computer access in order to utilize assistive technology. 如果时间是被评估技能的基本要素,延长的时间可能不被认为是合理的调整. 如果计算是被评估的基本要素,使用计算器可能不被认为是一种合理的便利.

The course instructor is obviously the best person to oversee the student’s test taking, as only they can interpret and clarify any questions a student may have. Instructors always have the prerogative to supervise a student’s test taking, and it is necessary to provide the student with the accommodations granted. 建议学生在学期初与他们的导师见面,以讨论他们的考试安排,并制定出双方都满意的考试规定, 测试, 和测验.

当一个教练, because of time constraints or the nature of the accommodations, is unable to provide the student with the accommodations granted, 学生访问中心为学生和他们的教师提供在学生访问中心管理考试的选择. 学院/系是否应该选择使用学生访问中心来管理考试, the following responsibilities should be met:

  • 每个系应指定一名工作人员与学生访问中心的工作人员/监考人员进行协调和联络,以便为残疾学生提供考试服务.
  • 部门联络员负责从教师/指导老师那里获得考试,并确保在考试后两个工作日内将考试送到学生访问中心.
  • 该部门可能负责监考安排在少于三个工作日的通知(这包括通知任何考试时间表的变化)。.
  • Share 学生访问中心 registration with faculty.
  • 讨论所有突发事件,包括定期,期中和期末考试,以及与教师的测验.
  • Share exam schedule with the 学生访问中心 at the start of each semester.
  • 如果考试时间有任何变化,请在考试后三个工作日内通知学生访问中心.
  • 确保测试的完整性和安全性.
  • Provide test accommodations when faculty is not able to do so.
  • 学生访问中心 staff will return the completed exam to the department liaison.

教师应通知学生访问中心有关学生在测试时允许使用的材料,如教科书, 笔记, 或者计算器.

The proctor will not answer student requests for test clarification. 欢迎学生通过电话与讲师联系以寻求澄清或解释. 如果教练不在, the student can attach a written note which will be included with their test.

当监考人员发现或怀疑学生在使用我们的测试服务时违反了学术荣誉守则, 监考员将完成一个 测试事故报告(PDF), which will be included in the return security envelope. Further action is at the discretion of the instructor.

我们会尽量将考试安排在教室里安排的同一天和同一时间. 由于考试的数量和各种日程安排冲突,这可能并不总是可能的. 

更多信息,请访问 教师指导.